Khamis, 1 Mac 2018

Computers ethics

Computer ethic


➧Netiquette, or net etiquette, refers to etiquette on the Internet
Is the code of acceptable behaviours users should follow while on the Internet or online or     cyberspace.
➧Rules for all aspects of the:
qWorld Wide Web
qInstant Messaging
qChat rooms
qNewsgroups & message board.

➧Electronic communication lacks the facial expression, gestures and tone of voice to convey    your meaning. It’s easy to misinterpret meaning of words
➧Remember, when you communicate through cyberspace your words are written.
➧Chances are they're stored somewhere and they can come back and haunt you.
➧Any message you send could be saved or forwarded by
its recipientYou have no control   over where it goes.

When do these rules apply?

Anytime when you are using…

  • Chatting online 
  • Using email
  • Posting to a discussion
  • Blogging
  • Playing online games
  • Social media
  • Using web
  • Internet messaging
  • FTP

Areas of computer ethics

Information accuracy

➧One of the concern because many users access information maintained by other people or   companies, such as on the Internet.
Do not assume all the information on the Web is correct.
➧Users should evaluate the value of a Web page before relying on its content.
➧Be aware that the organization providing access to the information may not be the creator     of the information.

Green Computing

➧Green computing is the environmentally responsible and eco-friendly use of computers and their resources. In broader terms, it is also defined as the study of designing, manufacturing/engineering, using and disposing of computing devices in a way that reduces their environmental impact.
➧Involves reducing the electricity and environmental waste while using a computer.
➧Society has become aware of this waste and is taking measures to combat it.
➧Some of the actions that has been taken:

qUsing energy- efficient devices that require little power when   they are not in use.
qBuy computers with low power consumption processors and power supplies.

qWhen possible, use outside air to cool the data center.

➧Average computer users can employ the following general tactics to make their                     computing usage more green:

qUse the hibernate or sleep mode when away from a computer for extended periods.
qUse flat-screen or LCD monitors, instead of conventional cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors.
qBuy energy efficient notebook computers, instead of desktop computers.
qActivate the power management features for controlling energy consumption.
qTurn off computers at the end of each day.
Refill printer cartridges, rather than buying new ones

codes of conduct

➤Written guideline that helps determine whether a specific action is ethical/unethical or           allowed/not allowed.

Information privacy

➤The right of individuals and companies to deny or restrict the collection, use, and                   dissemination of information about them.

➧The privacy of personal information and usually relates to personal data stored on computer systems.
➧The need to maintain information privacy is applicable to collected personal information such as medical records, financial data, criminal records, political records, business related information or website data.
➧Information privacy is also known as data privacy.
Today, huge databases store their data online.Much of the data is personal and confidential and should be accessible only to authorize users.
➧Many individuals and organizations, however, question whether this data really is private.
➧That is, some companies and individuals collect and use this information without your authorization
➧Web sites often collect data about you, so that they can customize advertisements and send you personalized e-mail messages.
➧Some employers monitor your computer usage and e-mail messages.

Intellectual property
➤Unique and original works such as ideas, inventions, literary and artistic works, processes, names and logos.
➤Or, refers to creations of the mind: inventions, literary and artistic works, and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce.
➤Intellectual property rights are the rights to which creators are entitled for their work.

Importance of Intellectual Property:

  • To protect any original work that created by individual person/ company for example, image, drawing, lyric, publishing and so on.
  • Preserve the features and processes that make things work. This lets inventors profit from their inventions.
➧A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted by a government to an inventor or applicant for   a limited amount of time (normally 20 years from the filing date). 

Example of iphone patent.

➧Trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, design, combination of letters or numbers, or other      device that identifies and distinguishes products and services in the marketplace
➧Or a distinctive sign which identifies certain goods or services.
➧Or can be any distinctive name or logo.
Examples of well-known Trademarks are: 

  • Coca-Cola
  • Samsung
  • The Apple logo
  • The Nike “swoosh”. 
➧Trademark law protects the owner, from competitors stealing your identity or using a name      or symbol so similar that it could cause confusion for your clients or customers.
➧For example, the trademark "Nike," along with the Nike "swoosh," identify the shoes made   by Nike and distinguish them from shoes made by other companies (e.g. Reebok or             Adidas).

Examples :




➧Protection provided to the authors of “original works” and includes such things as literary,     dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual creations, both published and           unpublished.

Copyright is an exclusive right and gives its creator, or owner :

  • To reproduce the copyrighted work
  • To prepare derivative works
  • To distribute and sell any copies of the copyrighted work
  • To perform or display the copyrighted work publicly

➧A copyright gives authors and artists exclusive rights to duplicate, publish, and sell their       materials.

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